My professional focus is to work with faculty and trainees to improve mentor- mentee relationships, lab culture, mental health, departmental climate, and graduate admission practices. All my work is informed by my deep commitment to racial justice and mental health, and my belief in the individual’s capacity to change behavior. Below is a list of sessions I can readily provide for your group. I can also create a custom training, just contact me with information about your goals.
Faculty or Departmental Workshops
Communication and effective feedback skills for PIs
Managing conflict in the lab
Difficult conversations with trainees
Managing diverse teams
Growth mindset, ability, and your mentoring style
Training climate and departmental values (for departments)
Articulating values and group norms (for one lab or for a department)
Exploring White identity
Grad Student or Post-doc Workshops
Communication and Effective Feedback skills for future leaders
Conflict & Difficult Conversation skills for future leaders
Building resilience through challenging negative thought patterns
Work-Life Integration
Working in Diverse Teams
Exploring White identity
Trainngs offered through Professional Organizations
In addition to the workshops listed above, I am certified by two national organizations to lead trainings related to graduate admissions and graduate education. If you are interested in these trainings, plead don’t hesitate to reach out to me – but please understand that I may need to put you in touch with the the relevant organization to schedule the session.
Mentor and Mentee training through CIMER
The Center for Improving Mentored Experiences in Research is the group that now handles the Entering Mentoring, Culturally Aware Mentoring, and Entering Research training curricula developed by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN). I am certified to lead workshops from Entering Mentoring (mentor training for faculty) and Entering Research (mentee training for undergraduates and graduate students) as well as to lead Train-the-Trainer workshops (in which participants learn to facilitate the curriculum at their home institution).
Holistic Graduate Admissions through IGEN
The Inclusive Graduate Education Network is an NSF Includes Alliance focused on increasing diversity in the physical sciences. I am certified to lead a 4 hour workshop for departments which focuses exclusively on the graduate admissions process and helps admissions committees learn concrete strategies to practice holistic admissions. I am excited to continue this work on best practices in graduate admissions.